Strategic Plan

The strategic planning for education helps the educational institutions to take advantage of strengths to develop them and reduce the weaknesses. It directs the decision-makers of any institution towards making correct decisions that define the future features of the institution, making it easier for educational institutions to face challenges and keep pace with development. The university can translate the desired goals into programs and plans at the strategic levels through strategic planning. It does that by dividing the educational institution into a system of several sub-systems and allows the senior management to look at the institution and the relationships among its parts as a whole, rather than dealing with each part separately. Such a planning serves as a framework for institutions to achieve their goals, translate their mission and vision, and distinguish them from other institutions.

It might consider the following guidelines:

  1. The educational institution has a documented vision and mission that achieves the goals in practice and is reviewed periodically.
  2. The Foundation shall publish and announce the vision and mission.
  3. The message fulfills the requirements of the educational institution, the beneficiaries and the requirements of the labor market.
  4. Plans are built according to a specific time schedule and a database that is consistent with the mission and objectives of the institution in order to achieve continuous development and improvement.