A scientific trip to the Arabian Gulf Academy for Maritime Studies

Within the framework of scientific cooperation between the College of Marine Sciences and the Arabian Gulf Academy for Marine Studies, the College of Marine Sciences, Department of Applied Marine Sciences, organized on Sunday, April 21, 2024, an introductory scientific trip within the marine art course to the Arabian Gulf Academy for Marine Studies, accompanied by Dr. Ayman Faisal Ghazi and teaching assistant Shaima Abdel Amir. Abboud and research assistant Muhammad Hussein Awad. A lecture was given on the marine art subject in the academy’s laboratories pavilion to the college students. The lecture focused on deck equipment on board ships, which was explained theoretically and learned about practically in the marine art laboratory of the maritime academy. The students were received by They are accompanied by a staff of the Academy and laboratory officials. In this regard, the staff of the College of Marine Sciences, headed by the Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Osama Qasim, extends their sincere thanks to the Maritime Academy for their contribution to providing knowledge in marine aspects to our college students, and may God grant them success.