
<p>The College of Marine Sciences - since its inception - has undertaken the following tasks: -Preparation of student scientifically qualified to work in the public and private sectors in the various fields of marine sciences for the bachelor&#39;s degree. Conduct basic and applied research in marine science. Follow up the various marine phenomena and their regional and local effects. Study of the Iraqi marine environment. Study of marine resources for optimal use. Organizing seminars, conferences and specialized scientific courses. Cooperation with scientific institutions and national, Arab and international bodies related to marine science through the provision of scientific and technical consultations. Community service by: - Contribute to environmental awareness in cooperation with national, Arab and international institutions and bodies. - Contribute to the organization of programs to preserve and protect the marine environment. - Contribute to awareness and optimal investment of resources. - Training courses in marine science and marine environment for relevant sectors of society. -Provide high education in science and maritime studies to support the needs of the community in various maritime bodies -Training the employees of government agencies and the private sector in maritime fields To carry out scientific research in a systematic and integrated manner using modern techniques and play an essential role in promoting research and development in marine science. -Establish regional and international cooperation in marine education and research Keeping pace with the latest technological developments Preparing and issuing community awareness publications.</p>